The Community Consultation is nearing completion with just the Green Spaces element yet to complete. The Gannochy Trust would like to thank to all those that took part.
Some of the highlights of the consultation include:
• 94% want to continue living on the Gannochy estate as long as they can
• 90% are very satisfied/satisfied with their current home
• 83% thought the quality of service from the contractor was good/very good
• 77% thought the quality of the actual repair work was good/very good.
Green Spaces Consultation, Saturday 14 May 2022
The final part of the consultation is about the green spaces in our community. We delayed this event until it was appropriate to delver it face to face. The Consultation gave us some of your ideas for green spaces and the event in May will develop those and help us finalise plans.
Your priority ideas for the Curly included creating a play area for children and retaining its natural green feel with additional planting are-as. Others also wanted to keep it as it is at present.
For the green space at the back of the new extension, your ideas included developing it as a park and play area but also to keep its natural beauty. We will send out further information but hope that you can join us on 14 May to have your voice heard.