The Gannochy Events Group and The Gannochy Trust organise a range of events, competitions and activities throughout the year. These range from quizzes and meals in the Community Hall, to our annual sunflower and Halloween decoration competitions. For more information, please contact events@gannochytrust.org.uk

The Gannochy community have their own Neighbourhood Watch Scheme to keep residents safe and protect against crime. You can become a member by registering here.
Once you register you will also receive:
- a Neighbourhood Watch window sticker;
- updates from local and national police about local alerts; and
- advice about current trends in doorstep, phone and email fraud.
If you have any questions about the new Gannochy Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, please e-mail events@gannochytrust.org.uk.

The Gannochy Community Hall is available for non-commercial lets. To find out more or make a booking, please use the downloadable Guidance notes and booking form below.
Covid -19 – We are constantly reviewing the availability of the Hall for events in the light of ongoing Government guidance on Covid, so please contact us in the first instance to discuss your requirements. events@gannochytrust.org.uk